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i loved this sm ... it's like the photo-negative of catholic theology of the body. or something. really weird n great !

oh my god this is so unbelievably icky, thank you so much

What a gross and relatable surprise. the specificity of the story makes it even more squirm-inducing ✨

YESSSS so NASTY and good, fuck yeah


Super well written. I like how the work dove so deeply into areas of squick that are often ignored; it's become a bit passé to write about piss and sweat and blood, and the focus here on skin cells, on crevices within the body, on scabs and earwax, it made it all gross in delightfully fresh and interesting ways.

The story captures some of the isolation of staying on campus over the summer quite well, also.

I like the audio and presentation, the section dealing with the madonna was cool. Well done Dermomaniac!

so much uncertainty (: what does she think?

absolutely adored this, the audio was fantastic, and you really captured those uncomfortable moments looking in the mirror in vicious relatable detail... will stay with me for sure

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that was utterly revolting and really good. You might wanna add another CW for body horror or something cuz goddamn.

holy shit this has creeped me out real good! and then the ending.... damn i fucking shivered!

loved the writing in this... gross & alluring & beautiful